ANKH: Egyptologie et Civilisations Africaines
 Egyptologie, histoire de l'Afrique et sciences exactes
 Egyptology, Africa History and Sciences



Jean-Paul MBELEK


Eléments bibliographiques



Livres :


J. P.  Mbelek, Interaction entre photons et gravitons - Incomplétude des équations de l'électrodynamique et de la gravitation, Paris, 1991.


J. P.  Mbelek, Interaction entre photons et gravitons - Limitations imposées aux méthodes radiométriques de datations,  Ankh n°1, février 1992.


Articles :


J.  P.  Mbelek, Déduction de la relation de Tully-Fisher et estimation du paramètre de Hubble, Ankh n°2, avril 1993.


J. P.  Mbelek, et al., Sur la covariance des lois physiques dans un univers non statique, Ankh n°3, juin 1994.


J. P.  Mbelek, et al., Interpretation of the Hidden Mass and Derivation of the Tully-Fisher Relation, Ankh n°4/5, 1995-1996.


J. P. Mbelek, in "Neutrinos Dark Matter and the Universe", proceedings des huitièmes "Rencontres de Blois" 8-12 Juin 1996, Éditions Frontières, Gif-sur-Yvette, [1997], 391.


J.  P.  Mbelek, Motion of a Test Body in the Presence of a Scalar Field which respects the Weak Equivalence Principle-Application to the Rotation Curves of Spiral Galaxies, Acta Cosmologica, [1998], fasciculus XXIV-1, 127.


J.  P.  Mbelek, Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XXe siècle, Ankh n°8/9, 1999-2000.


J. P.  Mbelek et M.  Lachièze-Rey, Theoretical Necessity of an External Scalar Field in the Kaluza-Klein Theory, Arxiv gr-qc/0012086.


J. P.  Mbelek et M.  Lachièze-Rey, A five dimensional model of effective gravitational and fine-structure constants, International Journal of Modern Physics A 17, [2002], 4317.


J. P.  Mbelek et M.  Lachièze-Rey, Possible evidence from laboratory measurements for a latitude and longitude dependence of G, Gravitation and Cosmology 8, [2002], 331.


J. P.  Mbelek et M.  Lachièze-Rey, A five dimensional model of varying effective gravitational and fine structure constants, Astronomy and Astrophysics 397, [2003], 803.


J.  P.  Mbelek, A scalar field modelling the rotational curves of spiral galaxies, Proceedings of the "The Dark Universe:  Matter, Energy and Gravity", Baltimore, USA, 2-5 Avril 2001, edited by M. Livio [2004], Arxiv, gr-qc /0402088.


J. P.  Mbelek, Modelling the rotational curves of spiral galaxies with a scalar field, Astronomy and Astrophysics 424, [2004], 761.


J.  P.  Mbelek, A five-dimensional model of varying fine structure constant, Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Particles, Strings and Cosmology [PASCOS 2003], Pramana 62, [2004], 741.


J.  P.  Mbelek, 5D gravity and the discrepant G measurements, in: Venzo de Sabbata, George T. Gillies, and Vitaly. N. Melnikov [eds.] Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on TheGravitational Constant : Generalized Gravitational Theories and Experiments [Kluwer Academic Publishers] Erice [2004], 233-245.


J. P.  Mbelek, Comment on “Constraining a possible dependence of Newton’s constant on the Earth’s magnetic field“, Gravitation and Cosmology, Gravitation and Cosmology 10, [2004], 233.


J. P.  Mbelek et M.  Lachièze-Rey, Long-range acceleration induced by a scalar field external to gravity and the indication from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo and Ulysses Data, Arxiv gr-qc/9910105.


J. P.  Mbelek, The Pioneer anomaly : a bulk scalar field ?, in: J. Dumarchez and J. Trân Than Vân [eds.] Gravitational waves and experimental gravity [Thê Gioi Publishers], Vietnam [2003] 395 – 398.


J.  P.  Mbelek, Étrange attraction, in Dossier hors-série la gravitation-l'univers sous influence, Pour la Science, Janvier/Avril, [2003], 106.

 Voir aussi :


J. P.  Mbelek et M. Michalski, Can conventional forces really explain the anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10/11, International Journal of Modern Physics D 13, [2004], 865.


J. P.  Mbelek, General relativity and quintessence explain the Pioneer anomaly, Arxiv gr-qc/0407023.


J. P.  Mbelek, Present status of the study of the anomalous acceleration of the Pioneer 10/11 spacecraft, International Journal of Modern Physics A, [2004], à paraître


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