ANKH: Egyptologie et Civilisations Africaines
 Egyptologie, histoire de l'Afrique et sciences exactes
 Egyptology, Africa History and Sciences



Moussa BALDE


Eléments bibliographiques









M. BALDE and P. JOUAN, Genericity of Observability of control-Affine Systems, ESAIM: cocv (Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations) Vol 3, 345-359, 1998.


N. ASSALA, M. BALDE and M. HAMRAOUI, Output Stabilisation for Kinetic Networks, IFAC-IFIP-IMACS Conference Proceedings on Control of Industrial Systems, Belfort, France, 572-578, 1997.


N. ASSALA, M. BALDE and M. HAMRAOUI, Output Stabilization For Kinetic Networks part-2, IEEE TENCON-Digital Signal Processing Applications, 737-742, 1996.





M. BALDE, On One-Parameter Families of Dido Riemannian Problems, math.DG/9912057 7 Dec 1999.


N. ASSALA, M. BALDE and M. HAMRAOUI, Observability, Observer design and Output Stabilization for Kinetics network, 1996



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